Saturday 20 August 2011

Taxonomy of Learning Domains 

Taxonomy – refers to a classification of the different objectives that educators set for the students.

In learning there is also a classification:

v     Cognitive
v     Affective
v     Psychomotor

Cognitive – deals with the mental skills of the students. (Knowledge)
Affective – deals with the feelings or emotion of the students. (Attitude)
Psychomotor – deals with the manual or physical of the students. (Skills)

Every student has its on capacity in order for him or her to cope with in the class.

Every student has its on field to the types of learning because not all students are good in cognitive but they are good in the field of affective.

As a future teacher someday you must have to learn first the three types of learning in order for you to know the different ways of handling a class because in a class there are lots of students that are good in psychomotor but luck in cognitive so as a teacher you must have to vary your drills and other class activity to fit with all the students you have.

 For an instance your drill is only focusing in the mental level it is very inequitable to those students who luck in that area.  So as a teacher you must have a drill that has a cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

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