Friday 24 June 2011

Is not simple to be a teacher . . . :) Reporting already begins. . . . ^_^


One of my classmate is done with his reports but main while as he finish his reports it’s directly goes this words into my mind “ineffective teacher” because he does not elaborated well his topic and also discussing his topic is like he is joining in the marathon competition because of the fast speed when he is doing his discussion and also we in the class are destructed because of his mannerism. :)

As I realized after the class has end:

Now I know how difficult to be a teacher . . . Because being a teacher is not that easy when you are handling a group of student on how you will get their attention to listen in your discussion and how would you gratify all of them in your discussion. :)

Wednesday 15 June 2011

EDP 9 CLass "inspired me to become a teacher" :D

The class started with two simple questions:

What is a teacher?
Define a good teacher?

As I write my answers on my paper it is the most perfect words that a teacher has but as my teacher says "teacher is not only an educator but teacher is also a mentor in our life."

Meanwhile I realized the importance of being a teacher. . .  :)

Being a teacher is a good job if you are devoted to do it and also a good teacher is not only working because for the money or should i say salary. . . :)

As my teacher says:

A good teacher must find teaching as a vocation in their lives. . . :)

Tuesday 14 June 2011

First daY of Class :)

Take chance to be a part of a people you my not know but at the end of the line "friendship" will be construct. . . :) Because their is what we called "First day of class" .